There are those who enjoy the arts so much that they choose to make a life long career out of their own art. There are also those like myself who paint as a hobby, while I am not the best I am sure of that. People often wonder why do I paint such whimsicle things like the flower that I have recently painted. The answer is I dont know why I paint things as such, I just put my brush in the paint and get to it. I never really know what the end result is going to be because I never plan my art. I simply let my expressions flow through the brush onto the surface that I am painting. I dont always have a canvas so I recycle things that I have around the house. Some times Ill have an old cardboard box so I will cut it down and paint on it, infact the picture to the left was painted on cardboard. While I call this a hobby it is more, it is my form of expression. Whether I feel glum or happy or lovestruck, what ever I feel comes out in my art. While I do tend to paint whimsicle flowers no matter my mood, if you look at the colors you can tell my mood. The flowers often represent people, meaning myself or others, and you can tell this by the five petals. O occasion I do add the four petal flour and three leaves.
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